3 Things To Consider When Planning Renovations For Your Mall

Are you considering having renovations made to your mall? Doing so can help attract more customers and keep your store owners happy in the long run. Here are a few things to consider when planning your mall's renovations:

What Do the Customers Want to See Change in Your Mall?

To ensure that you are meeting the needs and expectations of your community, it is a good idea to find out what your mall customers want before making renovation plans. You can ask customers to fill out a survey online or at the customer service kiosk in the mall when they visit. The survey should focus on any renovations you already have in mind and offer an opportunity for customers to communicate their own renovation ideas.

You may get feedback that helps you figure out what should and should not be incorporated into your renovation plans and the types of features that are and are not in demand by customers. Allowing customers to provide you with their insights and opinions will also help ensure that they feel like they've been heard once the renovations are complete.

Do You Want to Stay Open While Renovations are Made?

It can be tough to close an entire mall down for renovations as you and store owners that are located in your mall can't make any money while everything is closed to customers. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider keeping parts of your mall open while other parts are being renovated. Depending on the types of renovations that you want to make and the timeline in which you want them made, your commercial renovation contractor can help you figure out how to separate the renovations into different projects and then execute the projects at different times.

For example, your service provider might suggest that renovations are made to one half of the mall while the other half stays open. Once the first half of renovations are complete, it can reopen, and the other half can close for renovations. If the bathrooms will be renovated, they can be done one or two at a time so that customers still have somewhere to relieve themselves when they are shopping.

How Will You Manage the Expectations of Store Owners?

The store owners in your mall will be affected to some degree while renovations are being made, so it is important to understand how you will manage their expectations during the renovation process. Do they expect to remain open under any circumstances based on their contract? Are they willing to close or move to a temporary location for a period while renovations take place?

Maybe they have their own renovation requests that they would like you to consider. Hold a meeting with all the store owners and your commercial renovation contractor to see where their heads are at and to work together to create a solid renovation plan.

Contact a commercial renovation company like B. E. Vaughan & Son, Inc. for more information about renovating.
